Mutiara Kata..

"Nafsu mengatakan perempuan itu cantik atas dasar rupanya. Akal mengatakan perempuan itu cantik atas dasar ilmu dan kepintarannya. Dan hati mengatakan perempuan itu cantik atas dasar akhlaknya."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Perlu Kamu

Saat ini
Ku cerita
Isi hati segala rahsia
Aku rindu
Aku perlu
Hati kamu terukir namaku

Kris Dayanti:
Aku tahu
Aku rindu
Aku perlu mengenali kamu
Biar masa bercerita
Kau takkan hilang aku sayang

Chorus :

Ku sadari saat manis ni kan pergi
Biar aku ngerti
Kerna aku mahu kamu

Kris Dayanti:
Ku ulangi kau yakini hati ini
Kerna aku cinta kamu
Hari hari aku
Kan menjadi hari kamu
Kerna syarat hidup

Biar nyata
Aku setia
Janji cinta tentunya berbeda
Maafkan lah salah kita
Biar benci
Ku tetap di sisi

Chorus :

Ku sadari saat manis ni kan pergi
Biar aku ngerti
Kerna aku mahu kamu

Kris Dayanti:
Ku ulangi kau yakini hati ini
Kerna aku cinta kamu
Hari hari aku
Kan menjadi hari kamu
Kerna syarat hidup….

Ku sadari saat manis ni kan pergi
Biar aku ngerti
Kerna aku mahu kamu

Kris Dayanti:
Ku ulangi kau yakini hati ini
Kerna aku cinta kamu
Hari hari aku
Kan menjadi hari kamu
Kerna syarat hidup

Aku perlu
Aku rindu

Ape yg penting, kerjasama!


Wonderpets, wonderpets, kami datanggg..
Membantu haiwan dalam kesusahan
Kami tak besar dan kami tak kuat..
Bile bekerjasama semua jadi mudah..
Heyy.. wonderpets.. Yeyyyy

Apa yang penting! kerjasama…
Apa yang penting!kerjasama…
semua jadi mudah
yayyyy wonder pets..yayyyyy wonder pets!!

Telefon.. telefon berbunyiii…
Telefonn.. kami datangg..
Telefon.. telefon berbunyiii…
Ade haiwan dalam bahaya.. ade haiwan dalam bahaya…
Ade haiwan dalam bahaya disana..

Ini seriouss ♫ mesti tolong dier..selamatkan swan...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Renungan Kata Pengisian Jiwa

Jika kamu memancing ikan, setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail hendaklah kamu mengambil terus ikan itu. Janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu sahaja kerana ia akan sakit oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup…

Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada seseorang. Setelah ia mula menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya. Janganlah sesekali kamu terus meninggalkannya begitu sahaja kerana dia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak dapat melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingatimu…

Jika kamu menadah air biarlah berpada. Jangan terlalu mengharap pada takungannya dan janganlah menganggap ia begitu teguh. Cukuplah sekadar memenuhi keperluanmu. Kerana apabila sekali ia retak, tentu sukar untuk kamu menampalnya semula. Akhirnya ia dibuang sedangkan jika kamu cuba membaikinya, mungkin ia masih boleh digunakan lagi…

Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang terimalah seadanya. Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya begitu istimewa. Anggaplah dia manusia biasa. Apabila sekali dia melakukan kesilapan, bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya. Akhirnya kamu kecewa dan meninggalkannya. Sedangkan jika kamu memaafkannya, boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan berterusan hingga ke akhirnya…

Jika kamu telah memiliki sepinggan nasi yang kamu pasti baik untuk dirimu. Mengenyangkan. Berkhasiat. Mengapa kamu berlengah dan cuba mencari makanan yang lain. Terlalu ingin mengejar kelazatan. Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan kamu tidak boleh memakannya lagi. Kamu akan menyesal…

Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan yang kamu pasti membawa kebaikan kepada dirimu. Menyayangimu. Mengasihimu. Mengapa kamu berlengah dan cuba membandingkannya dengan yang lain? Terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan. Kelak, kamu akan kehilangannya apabila dia menjadi milik orang lain. Kamu juga yang akan menyesal…

-taken from

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Belajar Mencintai Seseorang Yang Tidak Sempurna Dengan Cara Yang Sempurna

Ketika kita bertemu orang yang tepat untuk dicintai, ketika kita berada di tempat pada saat yang tepat, itulah kesempatan.

Ketika kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang membuatmu tertarik, itu bukan pilihan, itulah kesempatan.

Bertemu dalam suatu peristiwa bukanlah pilihan, itupun adalah kesempatan.

Bila kita memutuskan untuk mencintai orang tersebut, malah dengan segala kekurangannya, itu bukan kesempatan, itu adalah pilihan.

Ketika kita memilih bersama dengan seseorang walaupun apapun yang terjadi, itu adalah pilihan.

Malah ketika kita menyedari bahawa masih banyak orang lain yang lebih menarik, lebih pandai, lebih kaya daripada pasanganmu dan tetap memilih untuk mencintainya, itulah pilihan.

Perasaan cinta, simpati, tertarik, datang bagai kesempatan pada kita.
Tetapi cinta sejati yang abadi adalah pilihan.
Pilihan yang kita lakukan.

Berbicara tentang pasangan jiwa, ada suatu petikan dari filem yang mungkin sangat tepat : "Nasib membawa kita bersama, tetapi tetap bergantung pada kita bagaimana membuat semuanya berhasil"

Pasangan jiwa bisa benar-benar ada.
Malah sangat mungkin ada seseorang yang diciptakan hanya untukmu.
Tetapi tetap kembali padamu.

Untuk melakukan pilihan apakah engkau ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk mendapatkannya, atau tidak...

Kita mungkin kebetulan bertemu pasangan jiwa kita tetapi mencintai dan tetap bersama pasangan jiwa kita adalah pilihan yang harus kita lakukan.

Kita ada di dunia bukan untuk mencari seseorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai tetapi untuk belajar mencintai orang yang tidak sempurna dengan cara yang sempurna.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Dear diary..
lately, aku sering kene marah..
kt kg, kt ofis, kt mana2 pun...ade je salahnye..
kenapa yer..
teruk sgt ke aku ni?

tetiba jer rindu kt arwah abah.... :'(

Monday, February 9, 2009


(The Oil Treatment of Dr. Karach) Karach spoke about a remarkable treatment at a conference of the All Ukranische-Union of the Oncologists (Specialists for Tumor diseases) and Bacteriologists, a part of the Academy of Sciences of UDSSR,. He talked about a super simple Healing process for the human body by sunflower oil.
The results of this healing process, causes astonishment and doubts, but by experimenting with the oil therapy everybody can see the results in his own body and can get convinced for him that these arguments are right.
It is more than surprising that with this totally harmless, biological healing method one could achieve such success and healing results. They are really without comparison. Most illnesses could be totally cured by this simple method and it was unnecessary, to use surgery or all kinds of medicines with their so much harmful side effects.
The real important thing of this method is in its simplicity; it is just sipping or sucking oil inside the mouth. The further healing process then is done alone by the human organism.
In this way it is possible to heal all at once-cells, tissues and all other organs because of the destruction of the natural mouth germs and with this the destruction of the human organism is stopped.
Right now, the balance is not there and causes illness and in the last consequence it affects the duration of life. Man lives only half the time which he could live. He could become 140 or 150 years old, says Dr.Karach.
The Oil-therapy heals totally headaches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers, intestinal diseases, heart and kidney diseases, encephalitis and woman’s diseases. Preventively the growth of malignant tumors is cut and healed. Chronic blood diseases, paralysis, diseases of nerves, stomach, lungs and liver and sleeplessness are cured.
Therefore, as Dr. Karach says, it is possible to heal many diseases, also those caused by poisonous chemical parts of drugs.
Dr. Karach says, his method heals the whole organism all together, also preventively. This especially is important in cases of tumors and of heart attacks. Dr. Karach: “With the oil therapy I have cured my chronic blood disease; I have suffered for 15 years. It also healed in three days an acute arthrosis which made me even lay in bed.

The healing process:
Get refined sunflower oil (or peanut oil or distal oil). In the morning before breakfast you take one tablespoon of the oil – but donot swallow it. Without great effort or speed, you wash and suck the oil inside the mouth, pull it through the teeth and all that with closed mouth for 15 to 20 minutes.
You really chew, move your chin and (like in the Mayr diet) a lot of saliva is drawn; that means mouth – digestion.
Obviously, the poisons are drawn from the blood through the mucous membrane of the mouth. That is why, in no case, the oil should be swallowed because it has become poisonous. First, the oil is viscous, but more and more it becomes liquid thin and white like wool. Then you spit it out. (As long as the liquid is still yellow you did not work with the oil long enough)

After spitting the oil, the mouth has to be washed intensely with water several times and the teeth need to be cleansed with brush; also the sink, because the liquid contains big amounts of bacteria and harmful material.

If we would look at a drop of this liquid through a microscope, we would see all kind of moving fibers – those are microbes in the first stage of their growth. Pulling Oil pulls out disease elements from the system (body) and restores health.
It is important to say that during Oil–pulling, our metabolism is increased much and that is why the body remains in a persistent healthy state.
One of the obvious results is the fixing of loosened teeth, the stop of bleeding teeth flesh and whitening of the teeth. The best time for the oil pulling is in the morning before breakfast. To enhance the healing process, you can repeat the treatment three times a day, but always before meal and with empty stomach. The organism will not be disturbed by this and the healing is quicker and stronger.
How long? Do till the original strength, freshness and a calm sleep is back again. After awakening in the morning you should feel refreshed and you should not have black circles under your eyes. A good appetite, a good sleep and a good remembrance (thinking) should be there.
In the beginning worsening for patients who are suffering from more than one disease, it is possible that there is a worsening of their situation. It is even possible that during the cure one infectious region of the body influences another one, which may be, would have become later even a killing disease.
Donot stop when your state gets worse: says Dr. Karach. There is no reason to interrupt the treatment even when the body temperature gets higher (it is healing temperature). Mainly when these signs are there, you should go on without interruption. If you interrupt you should know, that the healing only is there during the time of oil pulling. I point out says Dr.Karach, that a worsening of your health state is a sign that your disease is disappearing.
How often? This question only the patient himself can answer who is in the healing process. If he needs more or less depends on how he feels.
Acute diseases will be cured very quick in two to four days. Chronic diseases normally need more time, sometimes even one-year. So please don’t give-up.

End of article

1 The above article was published in Journal of World Teletherapy association (APR – JUN 1992 issue) from Calcutta. The editor of the journal has added at the end of the article: “I received copy the above lecture which was delivered at Indian Senior Citizens Association, HOUSTON, U.S.A on 9th Nov 1991. Please write about experiences after you have tried out”.
2 This article was published in a German magazine, “Fortschritt fur alle” Nr. 46, Erika Herbst, Schlossweg 2, 8501, Feucht Bavaria, Germany.

Friday, February 6, 2009

All about Fly Half..

Aku jumpa artikel ni kt website, tetiba je rasa nk mendalami permainan ragbi, wahhhhh..rupanya buah hati aku owg penting dlm team dier..kagum aku, all the best, my dear..keep up good work!
The fly half -- #10 is usually one of the more experienced rugby players on the team. After receiving the ball from the Scrumhalf, the Fly half directs the backline attack. He will pass the ball, kick, or run to take advantage of the opponents' mistakes. The fly half also sets up the backline for the defense (in reality a more difficult job than setting up an attack)

Basic Playing Philosophy

-Basic Concepts:
1. Go Forward
2. Provide Support
3. Ensure Continuity
4. Attack where they are not

-Attack with aggression and support with the scrum winning the ball and putting pressure on the opposition, and the backs capitalizing on opportunities.

-Defend per plan and in-depth.

Back Play: The backs have six goals during a game

1. Receive the ball from the forwards
2. Aggressively advance the ball beyond the gain line
3. Provide support for each other and the forwards
4. Create a psychological advantage by being aggressive and displaying superior skill
5. Provide defense in depth
6. Tackle the opposition to the ground

The fly half should:

-Possess a tactical awareness of the options available in attack and defense (this is a combination of knowledge of the sport and the on-field experience to recognize the situations when the options arise)
-Possess sound judgment and the ability to select the correct option (this unfortunately comes with experience)
-Possess the skill to execute the appropriate option (running attack, strategic kicking, man-on defense)
-Have a high level of fitness, agility, balance, quickness, and speed
-Possess the ability to make both short and long passes in order to penetrate opposition defenses
-Possess the ability to make several types of kicks ("wiper,” "up and under", "grubber" and "chip") with either foot.
-Be unselfish (one of the fly half's most important jobs is to get the ball out to the back line in a timely and controlled manner)
-Demonstrate leadership on the pitch and manage the back line

The fly half should have the following specific skills:

1. Ball Handling:
a. To catch variety of passes (the scrum half will not always get a good pass off from set play)
b. To pass ball quickly and accurately with varying length and speed
c. To pick up ball from the ground at speed

2. Positioning:
a. To know how to set the correct alignment depth and width of the backline
b. To know how to vary alignment according to the dictates of the situation (attack in the mud, defense when it is windy)
c. To reposition the back line quickly and efficiently based on the situation
d. To be tactically aware (know what is going on the field)

3. Kicking:
a. To kick accurately on attack and defense with either foot and under pressure if necessary
b. To know how to use a variety of kicks (Clearing kick to touch, grubber and chip, feint, line, box, wipers, and drop kicks)
c. To kick accurately with varying lengths and height and always in control (fly half kicks must be under control)

4. Communicating: Be able to communicate the appropriate planned moves in attack and defense as the situation dictates

5. Running:
a. To accelerate quickly off the mark
b. To run with control, change pace, side step, change direction and swerve
c. To support other backs in attack and defense
d. To vary pace and sprint over short distances

6. Contact:
a. To tackle
b. To possess a determination to be involved in defensive work
c. To collect ground ball

Some additional fly half notes:

1. The fly half is an essential tactical decision-maker; as such, the ability to choose the right option is required.

2. The Fly half needs to have a good understanding of other positions and of the tactics to be used in both the defense and attack.

3. The Fly half should be in control of the back line moves.

4. The backline is dependent on the fly half's alignment, skills, fitness, and option choices.

5. The Fly half's command of defense (and its patterning) is just as important as attack.

Control of the backline:

The backline is the vehicle for the attack. From the stable platform of the forwards, the ball is transferred to the back line. Good fluid passes, support, and communication are all important for the backs to advance beyond the gain line.

a. The fly half should call the plays. The play calls should be based on who has the ball, who gets the ball, and which sub-lane is attacked.

b. The numbering system below is a very common. For backline plays, these are the player numbers:

1-fly-half (lines up in lanes 7 or 8)
2-inside center (lines up in lanes 9 or 10)
3-outside center (lines up in lanes 11 or 12)
4-strong side wing (lines up in lanes 13 or 14)
5-full back (lines up between backs 2 and 3)
6-weak side wing (lines up in lanes 3 or 4 or closer, depending on touch)
7-scrum-half (lines up in lanes 1 or 2)
8-play from scrum (eight-man)
9-play from scrum (flanker)

c. The lanes are numbered from the decision circle (ruck, maul, scrum, lineout, etc.). The right side lanes are even numbered starting with zero and the left side is odd starting with one.

5 3 1 srcum 2 4 6 8 10 12

d. The following is an example of the lanes with the weak side being on the left. Typical plays would be a 3-5-10, which would be a fullback crash (5 receives the ball) from the outside center into sub-lane 10, a 2-4-20 in which the fly-half loops wide outside of the wing, or a kick 2-4-22 in which the fly would make a cross field kick to the touch line for the wing.

e. Lanes are the basis for the development of basic attack formations from set play (scrum) or loose play (ruck/maul). The fly half needs to keep the backs informed of the play. The inside center has to keep his eyes open for gaps in the defense. The primary exception will be when the ball is mid-field. In that case, the back line will split with the backs spreading out to both sides of the field.

f. Successful Rugby is based on ball position on the field. Always try to move the ball to and beyond the gain line. You can not score if the ball does not pass the gain line. The ball should always be in front of the forwards, either through kicking, or through the backs running the ball forward. It is very difficult for forwards to move backwards, get on side, and then properly support

g. Mentally divide the field into thirds (three zones): attack, contested, and defense. Each zone has different considerations for moving the ball forward. In the attack zone, maintaining aggressive possession is the most important concept (kicks should be conservative, passes accurate, support consistent, next phase being initiated). In the defense zone, to prevent scoring by keeping the opposition from advancing the ball or maintaining possession of the ball is the most important concept (long kicks for touch, short lineouts, and solid attacking line play). The contested area should be used to mentally change from offense to defense and defense to offense.

h. Within each zone, there is a primary team action:

Contested zone: get the most players to the ball the quickest
Attack zone: aggressive advancing the ball with support
Defense zone: maintaining possession as team sets up for the attack

i. The most fundamental tactic in rugby is attacking to the area where the defense is the thinnest, or weakest.

j. The backline tactician (usually the inside center) should watch the other team to see where their players go and how they react. Since a tactician should have a feel for the game of rugby, he can generally predict what the other team will do. On kick-offs for example, most teams will kick to the forwards in an area ten to fifteen meters from the centerline. Most teams expect a kick-off to go to the forwards. If you strengths are in the backline, then you should kick deep to the backs.

There is a lot more to fly half, but I hope this gives you a successful start.

Thank you,

Deane Shephard
Stuttgart RFC