Huhu, believe it or not, PMS is able to change u within a second..
i suddenly turned to someone else last saturday...and i've overreacted and hurt my dearest dear's feeling..i wish i can turn back time..
click here to read more
What is PMS?
Premenstrual syndrome is the name of a group of physical and emotional symptoms that start 7 to 14 days before your menstrual period begins. The symptoms usually resolve within a few days after bleeding starts. At least 75% of all menstruating women have some symptoms of PMS. Symptoms may vary from cycle to cycle and may be mild to severe.
What are common symptoms of PMS?
Physical symptoms may include
- Breast engorgement and tenderness
- Abdominal bloating
- Constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
- Acne
- Headache
- Alcohol intolerance
- Fluid retention and weight gain
- Clumsiness
- Crampy pain in the lower abdomen
- Joint or muscle pain
Emotional symptoms may include
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Insomnia
- Change in sexual interest and desire
- Irritability
- Depression and crying spells
- Lethargy and fatigue
- Mood swings ranging from bursts of creative energy to anger/paranoia
- Inability to concentrate and some memory loss
- Increased appetite with specific food cravings (especially salt and sugar)
- Withdrawal and trouble in relationships with family and friends
info taken from
nasib aku leh mengawal emosi lagi even kadang2 nak pecah kepale..kusut semcam..tensen ngan bende yg aku sendiri tak tau.....!!huh..
ni tgh period gak nih..heeee
Pija, aku ni jenis yg akan diam je kalo kene aritu, aku dh x jadi cam aku..tetiba aku rasa kecik ati, rasa x dihargai..rasa x dilayan..mcm2!
Sumpah, xde niat pun nk marah2 dpn anak buah dia, aku x sengaja..
aku mmg takut sgt menda2 camni..patut la mak aku pesan, usaha sedaya upaya utk sabar, jgn marah2..sbb kalo dh terlepas ckp masa marah..buruk padahnya..huwaaa...nk nangeh..
waaa... i did the same hani... aku pn kalo marah aku senyap jek.. tp ngn bf aku xleh senyap ah, aku stil sms or ckp on phone.. tp len mcm, and he always detects that.. kalo dkt2 time period tu, dier tau la.. kne marah pn dier ilek jek, sbb dier dh tau.. but of coz, kite la yg rase besalah sgt kn?
samada aku marah or kene marah, aku akn diam je..tahan mlm tu tetiba aku meletup..aku btol2 x sengaja..
xpe.. aku tau raser tu cmner.. sbb aku pn penah gak meletop skali kt dier.. tp pastu trus dier tnyer "awak cuti ag ea?". hehehe malu lak jd....
hang kne marah blk ke even dier tau ur condition?
dier x tau aku PMS..aku ada sms on the next time tu dia dh terasa ati..apa kan daya..
ooo ok... no wonder.. dier stil in 'merajuk mode' ker? x dh kn? lame dh ni..
merajuk tu dh xde aku tau dia still la..aku x pernah marah2, tetiba meletup..
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